Saturday, December 24, 2005

The Conspiracy!

The scene not so many years ago, somewhere in North America. We stumble onto a compound surrounded by barbed wire and patrolled by armed assasins. A secret meeting comes to order.

(hush....and don't you cry!)

A slick character with mirroed shades apporaches the cold marble table flanked by businessmen and James Earl Jones. Gasp! It's the phone company's brass. The "man" slams his fist on the table and shouts...

Man> Target, internet long distance communication. Objective, covert hobbling of cheap conversation...I mean communication, we are not going for the gold here gentleman and Ms. Hetic. Much of our funds are being diverted. Something must be done, and done now!

Pat>Pat looking hot, like I cannot tell you, smiles. (this girl is demonic, and a tad full of herself)

Man>Good god men, every move we make is counteracted by the damned C.N.N.

All in the room cringe at the very mention of the Computer Nerd Network. The power of the repressed is great. When will these Poindexters ever get laid? Drat!

Pat>Pat smiles once again, like she actually heard the narrator.

The man instructs two goons to bolt the door, no one will be leaving soon.

Man>Well, any ideas you pathetic phone jacks?

Pat>not surprisingly pat smiles and squirms a bit in her seat. What the hell is that about?

Small man, second to the end of the table> (cracks) emoticons.


Small man, second to the end of the table>emoticons sir, and (heck why does this word elude me right now, says the starts with a vowel, likely an "a"...describes the meaning of things like lol and the like...heck, I know where I'm going, perhaps this little mind loss is going to weave it's way into the story) things like lol, and rotflmao, and brb.
okay an acronym but now I'm commited to the error

Man>Go on!

S.M.S.T.T.E.O.T.T>It would seem that these seemingly innocuous characters would aid in communications, and they do, for the short term. People at the beginning use this vehicle to connect, communicate, dare I But the easy draw of cheap communication is deceptive. When all can laugh, and not really be laughing, falling off of their seats and really talking to bored high school slut housewives in another window... It's not what you see is what you get situation.

Man>Yes! ...not a W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G.

S.M.S.T.T.E.O.T.T.>Exactly! 8-}


S.M.S.T.T.E.O.T.T.>All communication breaks down. All are reduced to raving idiot teenagers, even the well educated. They will have to return to the use of the regular telephone system, even for MILITARY USAGE! Chaos prevails!


An evil smirk is seen on James Earl Jones and the room becomes oppressively hot.

Have you ever seen James Earl Jones or the Anti-Christ in the same room?

James Earl Jones>I am your father, Luke, Jesus, Mathew, Paul, John, and Pat...but who's your daddy small man?

Small Man>!-)


Blogger Anne said...

I want some of whatever it is that you're on. ;-)

7:20 AM  

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